Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Metaheuristics JAIM 2833-5597 10.54216/JAIM 2022 2022 Solar Tracking System Using pixel identification algorithm Electrical and Computer Engineering , The Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, 1016, Philippines Nader Behdad School of Computer Science, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, 248001, India Sunil Kumar On cloudy days, an intelligent technique to optimizing the direction of continuous sun tracking devices is proposed in this research. When it comes to weather, direct sunlight is more essential than diffuse radiation in a clear sky. As a result, the panel is always pointing towards the sun. When the sky is overcast, the solar beam is near to zero, and the panel is positioned horizontally to receive the most dispersed radiation. Under partially covered conditions, the panel must be aimed at the source emitting the most solar energy, which can be located anywhere in the sky dome. Thus, the idea behind our technique is to analyze images taken by a ground-based sky camera system in order to identify the zone in the sky dome that is thought to be the best source of energy under foggy situations. The proposed method is put into practice utilizing an experimental setup built at Mansoura city in north Egypt. The findings were quite good under overcast situations, and the intelligent technique gave efficiency gains of up to 9% compared to typical continuous sun tracking systems. 2023 2023 31 41 10.54216/JAIM.030103