International Journal of Neutrosophic Science IJNS 2690-6805 2692-6148 10.54216/IJNS 2020 2020 Multi-Criteria Data Analysis with Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Sets to Decrease Plastic Pollution rivers Docente de la Carrera de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes (UNIANDES), Ecuador C. B. Aurelia Maria Docente de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Regional Autonoma de los Andes (UNIANDES Riobamba), Ecuador I. Q. Janneth Ximena Docente de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Regional Autonoma de los Andes (UNIANDES Babahoyo), Ecuador P. P. Alex Javier Whether for human consumption, agricultural production, or industrial processes, groundwater, and rivers, in particular, are crucial. The river is a major water source; therefore, we must do all we can to keep it clean. Inconsistencies in data, algorithms and expert judgments have contributed to the growing recognition of ambiguity analysis' significance. However, it is not common practice to include vulnerability assessment in MCA based Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (IVNSs). To better understand what causes MCA uncertainty, this research examines the factors that contribute to it. Probabilistic techniques, indicator-based methods, and neutrosophic logic are examined as examples of broad approaches to analysis methods in MCA. The practicality, financial and ecological consequences, unexpected social and environmental implications, possible scale of change, and confirmation of the impact of plastic reduction strategies were investigated using an MCA technique. 2022 2022 403 413 10.54216/IJNS.190136