Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications

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Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 28-30, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems

Mehmet Merkepci 1 * , Maretta Sarkis 2

  • 1 Department of Computer Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey - (
  • 2 Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - (
  • Doi:

    Received: March 18, 2022 Accepted: September 16, 2022

    In this work, we present a direct application for Pythagorean circles in the theory of cryptography by using integer points on these circles, as well as we describe some numerical systems to generalize classical well-known crypto-algorithms and systems. Also, we illustrate many examples to clarify the validity of our work.

    Keywords :

    Plain text , Encryption , Decryption , Key point.  ,


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    Cite This Article As :
    Merkepci, Mehmet. , Sarkis, Maretta. An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems. Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 28-30. DOI:
    Merkepci, M. Sarkis, M. (2022). An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems. Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications, (), 28-30. DOI:
    Merkepci, Mehmet. Sarkis, Maretta. An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems. Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications , no. (2022): 28-30. DOI:
    Merkepci, M. , Sarkis, M. (2022) . An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems. Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications , () , 28-30 . DOI:
    Merkepci M. , Sarkis M. [2022]. An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems. Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications. (): 28-30. DOI:
    Merkepci, M. Sarkis, M. "An Application of Pythagorean Circles in Cryptography and Some Ideas for Future Non Classical Systems," Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 28-30, 2022. DOI: