Volume 18 , Issue 2 , PP: 128-145, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Ammar AbdRaba Sakran 1 * , Ruwaida Mohammed Yas 2 , Ali Fadhil Rashid 3 , Massila Kamalrudin 4 , Mustafa Musa 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180210
Presently, smart sensors ensure commercial decisions where integrated electronic systems can be securely organized using blockchain and quantum computing because of their unique characteristics and features. In the current scenario, large-scale quantum computers can be built in which most current cryptographic systems can be hacked. Since digital and quantum computers can conduct computations simultaneously, a quantum tool for blockchain framework design is required. Based on these concerns in this research, an enhanced quantum-assisted blockchain security model using the artificial intelligence (EQ-BSM-AI) technique has been proposed. This model validates cryptosystems and blockchain technologies to determine their vulnerability to quantum attacks. Further, in this model, quantum assisted edge computing technique has been used to model the Human-centric Internet of Things (HIoT) system by introducing a quantum key generation process. Based on the post-quantum blockchain (PQB), a secured cryptosystem that is highly resistant to quantum computer attacks has been introduced in this research. This quantum channel with multiple inputs and outputs (MIMO) is designed for a quantum-based communication system to make this model more efficient and withstand errors. In EQ-BSM-AI, an improved quantum encryption algorithm (IQEA) stores the keys for encryption with a generalized probability accumulation model. For the current quantum computers and communications, our proposed system resulted in an improved sampling error reduction of 12.4%, enhanced efficiency of quantum entanglement of 96.3%, information randomness of 93.9%, correlation analysis of 93.2%, and increased resistance to quantum computing attacks of 90.8% when compared with other existing approaches.
  , Quantum Computing , Edge , Artificial Intelligence , Blockchain , Cryptography
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