Volume 17 , Issue 2 , PP: 329-341, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Amr Mohamed El Koshiry 1 * , Entesar Eliwa 2 , Ahmed Abd Allah Tony 3 , Ahmad Shalgham 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.170224
This study aimed to measure the impact of using "Box-to-Box" technology in improving physical and technical abilities for football players under 19 years old at Najma Sinai Sports Club, North Sinia the research highlights the global appeal of football but also offers insight into how advancements in training can help to improve player performance, some teams tend to cling old-school tactics which undermine progress. The study evaluated a 12-week "Box-to-Box" training program using an experimental design with pre and post intervention measurements for 23 players. The results showed that while agility, endurance, speed, and muscle strength test scores significantly improved; passing accuracy and dribbling efficiency were also enhanced during composite skill performance. These findings reaffirm that "Box-to-Box" Training is the way to go for developing key competencies and improving performance, in general. The study suggests including this new technology in traditional training routines, asserting that it has now become essential for player assessment and improvement. It also proposes a wider perspective on the long-term use of "Box-to-Box" technology in different populations and sports, as well as new functional training for specific football positions.
Box-to-Box Technology , Composite physical , Technical capabilities , Footballers
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