Volume 25 , Issue 4 , PP: 135-146, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Wadei Faris AL-Omeri 1 , M.Kaviyarasu 2 , Rajeshwari M. 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.250411
This paper investigates the theoretical basis of fermatean neutrosophic sets, which were first introduced by Smarandache, to clarify the relationship between single-valued fermatean neutrosophic sets and their role as specific subsets in the wider context of fermatean neutrosophic sets, particularly in science and engineering. This study investigates fermatean neutrosophic INK-ideals within INK-algebras using the translation concept, which is proposed as an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. First, translation fermatean neutrosophic INKalgebras are presented and their fundamental features are studied. Furthermore, the research investigates properties related to the translation of INK-subalgebras and INK-ideals, as well as the dynamics of their unions, intersections, and multiplications for fermatean neutrosophic INK-ideals. The article adds definitions and theorems to provide a complete grasp of the problems of fermatean neutrosophic INK-algebras.
Neutrosophic sets , Single-valued neutrosophic sets , INK-algebras , Translation , Intuitionistic fuzzy sets , Neutrosophic INK-ideals
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