International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 23 , Issue 3 , PP: 63-76, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties

Javier Gamboa-Cruzado 1 * , Renatto Oyague Guerra 2 , Enrique Condor Tinoco 3 , Guillermo Paucar-Carlos 4 , Juan Gamarra Moreno 5 , Warshine Barry 6

  • 1 Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú - (
  • 2 Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú - (
  • 3 Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas, Andahuaylas, Perú - (
  • 4 Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cuzco, Perú - (
  • 5 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú - (
  • 6 University of Debrecen, Department of Mathematical and Computational Science, Debrecen, Hungary - (
  • Doi:

    Received: August 17, 2023 Revised: November 26, 2023 Accepted: January 27, 2024

    This paper is dedicated to study the algebraic structures that are related to symbolic 16-plithogenic/17-plithogenic with symbolic plithogenic real entries, where symbolic 16-plithogenic/17-plithogenic eigenvectors and values will be discussed and presented in terms of theorems. As well as, the computation of determinants, inverses, and eigenvalues and vectors.

    Keywords :

    symbolic 16-plithogenic matrix , symbolic 16-plithogenic eigenvalue , symbolic 16- plithogenic eigenvector , symbolic 17-plithogenic matrix , symbolic 17-plithogenic eigenvalue , symbolic 17- plithogenic eigenvector.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Gamboa-Cruzado, Javier. , Oyague, Renatto. , Condor, Enrique. , Paucar-Carlos, Guillermo. , Gamarra, Juan. , Barry, Warshine. A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 63-76. DOI:
    Gamboa-Cruzado, J. Oyague, R. Condor, E. Paucar-Carlos, G. Gamarra, J. Barry, W. (2024). A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 63-76. DOI:
    Gamboa-Cruzado, Javier. Oyague, Renatto. Condor, Enrique. Paucar-Carlos, Guillermo. Gamarra, Juan. Barry, Warshine. A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2024): 63-76. DOI:
    Gamboa-Cruzado, J. , Oyague, R. , Condor, E. , Paucar-Carlos, G. , Gamarra, J. , Barry, W. (2024) . A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 63-76 . DOI:
    Gamboa-Cruzado J. , Oyague R. , Condor E. , Paucar-Carlos G. , Gamarra J. , Barry W. [2024]. A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 63-76. DOI:
    Gamboa-Cruzado, J. Oyague, R. Condor, E. Paucar-Carlos, G. Gamarra, J. Barry, W. "A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 63-76, 2024. DOI: