Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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2690-6775ISSN (Online) 2769-7851ISSN (Print)

Volume 7 , Issue 1 , PP: 22-50, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards

Robert Kemp 1 * , Richard Smith 2

  • 1 De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - (
  • 2 De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - (
  • Doi: ttps://

    Received: February 21, 2021 Accepted: August 01, 2021

    Internal auditing is important for ensuring compliance to multiple safety and security standards. The problem is that although safety and security have similarities when it comes to auditing, they also have differences that makes auditing both areas under the same process difficult. This paper has shown how to overcome those differences and leverage the similarities to create one auditing process for both safety and security. The paper has harmonized the different terminology between safety and security and showed how the new auditing process can allow compliance to IEC 61508, ISO 27001 and IEC 62443.

    Keywords :

    audit , security , safety , critical infrastructure, standards , assessment


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    Cite This Article As :
    Kemp, Robert. , Smith, Richard. Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 22-50. DOI: ttps://
    Kemp, R. Smith, R. (2021). Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 22-50. DOI: ttps://
    Kemp, Robert. Smith, Richard. Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2021): 22-50. DOI: ttps://
    Kemp, R. , Smith, R. (2021) . Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 22-50 . DOI: ttps://
    Kemp R. , Smith R. [2021]. Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 22-50. DOI: ttps://
    Kemp, R. Smith, R. "Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 22-50, 2021. DOI: ttps://