Volume 16 , Issue 1 , PP: 86-98, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Adel A. Alyoubi 1 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.160107
The model mentioned in the study introduces a new Puzzle Optimization Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Scheduling (POAB-FTS) model specifically designed for the cloud computing setting. This pinpoints the significant challenge of achieving reliability, availability, and performance in resource scheduling in the context of failure cases, which is addressed by this novel technique. The POAB-FTS methodology integrates optimization using a game theory approach to perform actions that reduce execution time and failure probability while using a fitness function to provide better decision-making. This work entails an assessment of the main reasons behind task and hardware failures such as lack of resources, hardware defects, and suboptimal implementation. The model covers both active and passive fault tolerance approaches to workload balancing, migration before failure, and migration after failure points. Cooking schedules derived from the POAB-FTS technique are compared against the MAXMIN, ACO, and GTO-FTASS algorithms to present the makespan, failure ratios, and failure slowdowns—giving a comprehensive comparison of the method. As shown in this paper, the POAB-FTS framework can improve the system’s fault-tolerance and adapt resource allocation based on the actual demand thereby stressing its capacity to act as a scalable and cost-efficient solution for the improvement of cloud computing infrastructures. On this contribution, a sound and optimal cloud resource management is made possible.
Cloud Computing Environment , Puzzle Optimization Algorithm (POA) , Pre-emptive Migration , Optimization Algorithms , Cost Efficiency , System Robustness , Resource Allocation and Execution Time Optimization
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