Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems for Robotics (JISIoT)

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems for Robotics


Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems are crucial for humanoid automation and robot systems, as they enable humans to effectively use data and information. AI in robotics aims to improve automation by fostering an intelligent environment using intelligent programming, reinforcement learning, and computer vision techniques. This curriculum focuses on creating mobile autonomous systems that function without human supervision, encompassing sectors like communication technologies, automotive, and transportation. Intelligent systems come in various shapes and sizes, such as facial recognition software, customized shopping recommendations, and autonomous vacuums. Computer engineering extends beyond robotics, focusing on programming and understanding underlying technology. AI is expected to enhance sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, and customer service, resulting in better experiences for employees and clients. Key topics in robotics include material science, engineering services, design and automation, and mechanical engineering core disciplines. Contributions from various disciplines and perspectives are welcome in the field of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems for robotics.


More specifically, we particularly encourage contributions in the following areas:


  1. Instructing systems engineering undergraduates in automation and artificial intelligence.
  2. A study handbook on robotics and intelligent systems that synthesise human emotion.
  3. The effects of robotics and artificial intelligence on employment prospects in the future.
  4. The possibilities and difficulties of using artificial intelligence to build reliable robots and autonomous systems.
  5. From the standpoint of healthcare, the prospects for artificial intelligence in automation technology are promising.
  6. Robotics and artificial intelligence in planned smart development and smart city concepts.
  7. Intelligent systems and automation for undergraduates studying social and behavioural sciences.
  8. An overview of the state of the art in mobile robotics tasks utilising visual data and artificial intelligence.
  9. A robot assisted mixed integer programming approach combines artificial intelligence and robotics for the advanced manufacturing sector.
  10. Cellular robotics is analysed and evaluated as a generalised intelligent system based on the quantity of communication information.
  11. Emotional robot for the project of artificially intelligent emotional creatures.
  12. Research on personality for the upcoming era of autonomous systems, robots, and artificial intelligence.


Dates to Remember:

Paper Submission Deadline            : 10.02.2025

Author Notification                           : 15.03.2024

Revised Papers Submission             : 25.04.2025

Final Acceptance                            : 30.05.2025


Guest Editors: 

Dr.Muhammad Khuram Shahzad

Associate Professor

Department of Computing, 

National University of Sciences and Technology, 

Islamabad 46000, Pakistan

Offcial Email: mkhuram.shahzad@seecs.edu.pkmkhuram.shahzad@hotmail.com

Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.co.kr/citations?user=EN0phhAAAAAJ


Dr. Amjad Ali

Research Professor

School of Electrical Engineering, 

Korea University, South Korea.

Offcial Email: amjadali@korea.ac.kr


Dr.Ali Shariq Imran

Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,

Trondheim, Norway.

Offcial Email: ali.imran@ntnu.no

Official Page: https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/ali.imran

Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=c75cdz8AAAAJ


Submission Email mkhuram.shahzad@hotmail.com