Prof. M Kabir Hassan Named Editor in Chief of AJBOR

Date 6 years ago


The ASPG publisher is pleased to announce the selection of M. Kabir Hassan, to Editor in Chief of the American Journal of Business and Operations Research (AJBOR) effective Jan 2019.

Professor Dr. M. Kabir Hassan is a Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of New Orleans. He currently holds two endowed Chairs-Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, and Bank One Professor in Business- at the University of New Orleans. Professor Hassan is the winner of the 2016 IDB Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance. Professor Hassan received his BA in Economics and Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA, and M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA respectively.


Professor Hassan is a financial economist with consulting, research and teaching experiences in development finance, money and capital markets, Islamic finance, corporate finance, investments, monetary economics, macroeconomics, Islamic banking and finance, and international trade and finance. Professor Hassan has done consulting work for the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank, Transparency International-Bangladesh (TIB), Islamic Development Bank, Government of Turkey and many private organizations.


Professor Hassan has 195 (48 in ISI, 181 in Scopus, 145 in ABDC and 85 in ABS ) papers published in refereed academic journals such as in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Financial Stability, Review of Financial Economics, Emerging Markets Review, Accounting Research Journal, Journal of Housing Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Financial Services Research, Financial Review, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Journal of Economics and Finance, Global Finance Journal, World Development, Thunderbird International Business Review, African Development Review and Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. The number of publications would put Professor Hassan in the top 1% of peers who continue to publish one refereed article per year over a long period of time according to an article published in Journal of Finance. Professor Hassan has also been cited as one of the most prolific authors in finance literature in the last fifty years in a paper published in Journal of Finance Literature. His publication record puts him among the top 5.6% of all authors who published in the 26 leading finance journals. He is among the top 5% authors according to number of Journal Pages at RePAC/IDEAS. Professor Hassan is among the top three presenters in the Financial Management Annual Meetings during 1990-2013. He has won 25 Best Paper Awards from Academic Conference presentations.


Professor Hassan has supervised 45 doctoral theses at the University of New Orleans and acted as External examiners for 39 dissertations from countries like Australia, New Zealand, USA, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Canada. Many of his students are now well placed in the academia (Department Chairs, Deans and Professors), government (Secretary, Under-Secretary and Central Bank Deputy Governor) and private sectors (CEO and CFO). Professor Hassan has evaluated promotion documents of many faculty members from the USA and abroad.


Professor Hassan has numerous teaching awards for his outstanding teaching from the University of New Orleans and outside academic organizations. His teaching awards include Jamaica Executive MBA, JEMBA (2002, 2003, 2009), US EMBA (1999, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2015), Executive Masters in Health Care Management EMHCM (2002, 2003, 2015), THOMPSON-REUTERS OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR (2002, 2004, 2006), UNO COLLEGE OF BUSINESS PROFESSOR OF THE YEAR (2001), UNO FAVORED PROFESSOR (1998), UNIVERSIT OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT AWARD (1990).


Professor Hassan is the Editor of Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (ABDC and ABS), International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (ABDC and ABS), and Co-Editor of Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development (SCOPUS).


Professor Hassan has also edited and published nine books. Kabir is the co-editor (with Mervyn K. Lewis) of Handbook of Islamic Banking, and Islamic Finance, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (Edward Elgar, 2007), Handbook on Islam and Economic Life (Edward Elgar, 2014), and co-editor (with Michael Mahlknecht) Islamic Capital Market: Products and Strategies (John Wiley and Sons, 2011). He is co-author of Islamic Entrepreneurship (Routledge UK, 2010). Dr. Hassan has written the first textbook (co-authored with Dr Kayed and Dr. Oseni) on Islamic Finance that was published by Pearson in 2013. His latest book Handbook of Empirical Research on Islam and Economic Life is scheduled to be published in the fall of 2016 by Edward Elgar Publishing Company.


A frequent traveler, Professor Hassan gives lectures and workshops in the US and abroad, and has presented over 343 research papers at professional conferences and has delivered 131 invited papers/seminars. Professor Hassan has been visiting Chair Professors in universities from Malaysia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia. Professor Hassan has also provided academic leadership in various professional academic organizations such as President of Southwestern Society of Economists (SSE), President of Academy of International Business-US Southwest (AIB-US Southwest), President of Association for Economic and Development Association of Bangladesh (AEDSB) and President of Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA, 2015-16).


Research Interests:

Financial Institutions and Markets, Emerging Markets and Financial Development, International Finance, Applied Economics, Corporate Finance, Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance