Neutrosophic and Information Fusion

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Volume 3 , Issue 2 , PP: 18-24, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques

Murat Ozcek 1 *

  • 1 Gaziantep University, Department of Mathematics, Gaziantep, Turkey - (
  • Doi:

    Received: November 28, 2023 Accepted: March 25, 2024

    We studied the stability of the steady state solutions for Fisher Equation in two cases, the First one with constant amplitude and we show that the steady state solution u1=1 is always stable under any condition, but the other two solutions u1=0 and u1 (x)=A cos (nπX)are conditionally stable. In the Second case, we studied the steady state solutions for various amplitude by using two Methods. The First is analytically by direct Method and the second is numerical method using Galerkin technique which shows the same results, that is the steady state solution u1=1 is always stable under any conditions, but the other two solutions u1=0 and u1 (x)=A cos (nπX) are conditionally stable.

    Keywords :

    Galrekin techniques , Fisher's equation , Stability , Analysis , Numerical algorithm


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    Cite This Article As :
    Ozcek, Murat. On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 18-24. DOI:
    Ozcek, M. (2024). On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, (), 18-24. DOI:
    Ozcek, Murat. On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , no. (2024): 18-24. DOI:
    Ozcek, M. (2024) . On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , () , 18-24 . DOI:
    Ozcek M. [2024]. On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion. (): 18-24. DOI:
    Ozcek, M. "On the Stability Analysis of the Fisher Equation Based on Some Numerical Galerkin Techniques," Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , pp. 18-24, 2024. DOI: