Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology

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Volume 4 , Issue 2 , PP: 69-73, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region

Khabibullo Abdullaev 1 *

  • 1 Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Forecasting Tashkent State University of Economics, Islam Karimov street, 49. Tashkent city, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:


    In this article, patents play an important role in the development of industrial production in the region. As legal documents protecting intellectual property, patents serve as a catalyst for innovation, investment, and economic growth. By analyzing historical and contemporary examples, this study discusses how patents stimulate research and development, encourage technological progress, and increase competitiveness in regional industries. In addition, the article examines the effect of patents on the volume of production of industrial products per capita. By examining the relationship between patents and industrial production, this study highlights the importance of robust patent systems in shaping the trajectory of regional economic development.

    Keywords :

    Patents , industrial production , regional development , innovation , intellectual property , economic growth


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    Cite This Article As :
    Abdullaev, Khabibullo. The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 69-73. DOI:
    Abdullaev, K. (2024). The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, (), 69-73. DOI:
    Abdullaev, Khabibullo. The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , no. (2024): 69-73. DOI:
    Abdullaev, K. (2024) . The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , () , 69-73 . DOI:
    Abdullaev K. [2024]. The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology. (): 69-73. DOI:
    Abdullaev, K. "The importance of patents in the development of industrial production in the region," Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 69-73, 2024. DOI: