Volume 4 , Issue 1 , PP: 24-33, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Wei Hong Lim 1 * , Marwa M. Eid 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JAIM.040103
Deep Convolutional Networks (CNNs) have revolutionized various fields, including computer vision, but their decision-making process remains largely opaque. To address this interpretability challenge, numerous visual explanation methods have been proposed. However, a comprehensive evaluation and benchmarking of these methods are essential to understand their strengths, limitations, and comparative performance. In this paper, we present a systematic study that benchmarks and compares various visual explanation techniques for deep CNNs. We propose a standardized evaluation framework consisting of benchmark explain ability methods. Through extensive experiments, we analyze the effectiveness, and interpretability of popular visual explanation methods, including gradient-based methods, activation maximization, and attention mechanisms. Our results reveal nuanced differences between the methods, highlighting their trade-offs and potential applications. We conduce a comprehensive evaluation of visual explanation methods on different deep CNNs, the results demonstrate the ability to achieve informed selection and adoption of appropriate techniques for interpretability in real-world applications.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) , Benchmarking, Interpretability , Class Activation Maps (CAM) , Deep learning, Image classification , Explainable AI.
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