Volume 9 , Issue 1 , PP: 01-19, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Ahmad Khaldi 1 * , Josef Al Jumayel 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.090101
Remote Sensing Scene Classification (RSSC) is the distinctive classification of remote sensing images into numerous classes of scene classifications based on the image content. RSSC plays a significant role in several domains, like land mapping, agriculture, and the classification of disaster-prone regions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic global network of devices, for example, vehicles, sensors, actuators, surveillance cameras, etc. These interconnected objects were distinctively recognizable and they could separately transfer and obtain valuable data through the network. However, satellite images were frequently degraded and blurred owing to aerosol dispersion under haze, fog, and other weather circumstances, decreasing the color fidelity and contrast of the image. To use effectual RSSC in real-time, widespread researchers concentrate on creating aerospace image processing systems, like airborne or spaceborne systems. Recently, with the quick improvement of deep learning (DL) and Machine learning (ML) techniques, the performance of RSSC has significantly developed owing to the hierarchical feature representation learning. Both technique has greater achievement in the domain of image scene classification. This study presents a Leveraging Tiny Convolutional Neural Networks with a Water Cycle Algorithm for Remote Sensing Scene Classification (LTCNN-WCRSSC) model. The LTCNN-WCRSSC technique is designed for efficient RSS classification in resource-constrained devices with on-board training capabilities. At first, the LTCNN-WCRSSC model applies image processing using a median filter (MF) to eliminate the noise. Next, the feature extraction process can be exploited by the ConvNeXt-Tiny method. For the RSSC model, the spatiotemporal attention bidirectional long short-term memory (STA-BiLSTM) technique is performed. Eventually, the water cycle algorithm (WCA)-based hyperparameter choice process can be performed to optimize the classification results of the STA-BiLSTM algorithm. The experimental evaluation of the LTCNN-WCRSSC technique takes place using a benchmark image dataset. The stimulated results indicated the superior performances of the LTCNN-WCRSSC model over other approaches.
ConvNeXt-Tiny , Remote Sensing Scene Classification , Water Cycle Algorithm , Resource-Constrained Devices , Image Preprocessing
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