Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction

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Volume 8 , Issue 2 , PP: 46-54, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard

Vimala Imogen P. 1 * , Jeevaa Katiravan 2 , Nitish R. G. 3 , Vishnudharshan R. 4

  • 1 Information Technology, Velammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India. - (
  • 2 Information Technology, Velammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India. - (
  • 3 Students, Information Technology, Velammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India. - (
  • 4 Students, Information Technology, Velammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India. - (
  • Doi:

    Received: October 24, 2023 Revised: January 27, 2024 Accepted: April 28, 2024

    Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology stands as a groundbreaking innovation, revolutionizing the way individuals with severe motor disabilities interact with the world. The integration of Electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors within applications like the Brain Keyboard marks a pivotal stride forward. By capturing and interpreting brain signals triggered by simple actions such as eye blinking, these sensors empower users to control a virtual keyboard, transcending the limitations imposed by traditional motor pathways. This direct channel between the human brain and external devices offers an unprecedented avenue for communication, particularly invaluable for those grappling with conditions like paralysis or locked-in syndrome. The profound impact of BCIs extends far beyond facilitating textual communication; they represent a lifeline, a bridge toward autonomy and engagement for individuals facing profound physical challenges. Through these interfaces, users can articulate thoughts, express emotions, and actively participate in social interactions, fundamentally enhancing their quality of life. This technological marvel not only breaks down communication barriers but also holds promise in broader applications. As BCIs evolve, their potential encompasses enabling control over robotic prosthetics, granting users the ability to accomplish tasks once deemed impossible. Moreover, the implications of BCIs stretch into the realm of neuroscience, offering a unique window into understanding cognitive processes and neurological disorders. The ability to decode and interpret brain activity not only aids in facilitating communication but also paves the way for groundbreaking research and potential therapies. Challenges persist, such as enhancing signal accuracy and streamlining usability, yet the remarkable benefits that BCIs offer to individuals with motor disabilities continue to fuel ongoing innovation in this dynamic field. Ultimately, the fusion of EEG sensors, processing units, and user interfaces in BCIs heralds a new era of inclusivity and empowerment, where individuals previously marginalized by physical limitations find newfound avenues for expression, interaction, and independence. This transformative technology not only unlocks communication but also holds the key to reshaping our understanding of the human brain and its intricate workings, promising a f uture where disabilities no longer confine one's ability to engage with the world.

    Keywords :

    BCI sensor , processing unit , user interface , communication devices.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Imogen, Vimala. , Katiravan, Jeevaa. , R., Nitish. , R., Vishnudharshan. Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 46-54. DOI:
    Imogen, V. Katiravan, J. R., N. R., V. (2024). Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, (), 46-54. DOI:
    Imogen, Vimala. Katiravan, Jeevaa. R., Nitish. R., Vishnudharshan. Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , no. (2024): 46-54. DOI:
    Imogen, V. , Katiravan, J. , R., N. , R., V. (2024) . Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , () , 46-54 . DOI:
    Imogen V. , Katiravan J. , R. N. , R. V. [2024]. Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction. (): 46-54. DOI:
    Imogen, V. Katiravan, J. R., N. R., V. "Mindspeak: Empowering Communication with Brain Keyboard," Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , pp. 46-54, 2024. DOI: