Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 56-59, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Rupesh Chaudhari 1 , Ritik Gad 2 , Pranav Gawali 3 , Mangesh Gite 4 , Dr. A. B. Pawa 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.020203
There is an enormous growth of social media which fully promotes freedom of expression through its
anonymity feature. Freedom of expression is a human right but hate speech towards a person or group
based on race, caste, religion, ethnic or national origin, sex, disability, gender identity, etc. is an abuse of
this sovereignty. It seriously promotes violence or hate crimes and creates an imbalance in society by
damaging peace, credibility, and human rights, etc. To overcome this problem, the hate speech detection
model is made which will classify the speech and if the speech used by user is containing hate word, it
will be detected and system will sent an alert message to user about it. In order to solve various hate
speech problems we use some of the machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression and random
forest. If user disrupts cyber guidelines, then strict action shall be taken and user’s account will be ban
forever. This help to reduce cyber crimes in effective and efficient manner.
Machine learning, Hate speech, Natural language processing, Data pre-processing, Random forest,
Logistic regression, Hate word classification.
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