Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 40-49, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Nishanthi. G 1 , Yuvashree 2 , A, Jessinda Joseph 3 , Supraja. RSupraja. R 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.020201
Corona virus disease(COVID-19) is a disease caused by the new corona virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS CoV-2). This disease has infected almost the entire world with a total of 47.5 million sufferers and a death total of 1.2 million people, WHO categorizes it as a global pandemic. Proven efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 include limiting physical interactions between humans or physical distance, maintaining the cleanliness of hands and limbs by washing with soap, and limiting outdoor activities by staying at home. Government and private agencies have required employees to report their health conditions via web pages. Real-time and accurate mobile applications can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This research will develop a real-time monitoring and command system using mobile applications and cloud computing technology. The application will collect GPS-based location data and the user's body condition in the form of temperature and oxygen levels in the blood. User data is stored and processed in a real-time database in cloud computing which can be accessed through an application on the user's smart phone. The database also stores data on COVID-19 sufferers and where they live. Advice is given by the app when the recording of the body condition points to the early symptoms of COVID-19.
  , Monitoring System, Covid-19, Healthcare, Mobile Applications
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