Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 34-39, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
M.Sumithra 1 , B.Buvaneswari 2 , S.Ahilesharan 3 , T.Fenix Raja Singh 4 , J. Harish 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.020105
Transportation is the major need of the worker and minor need for large number of people, government, and many organizations. Without transporting goods and cargo etc. There are many rental systems available in offline but the main disadvantage in it is the customers have to visit the company to pick up a vehicle. In order to save time and effort we introduce web based online vehicle rental system. The method that exists since now is offline vehicle rental system which is a major negative for most of the customers. There are only few companies are available offline not everyone knows about the company’s existing. To avoid the disadvantage in this offline vehicle rental system, many use a method of advertising and posting flyers for their companies to acknowledge their customers about vehicle rental system. The major advantage in our web based online vehicle rental system is that the customer can book their vehicle from anywhere and anytime to their need. Their rented vehicle will be delivered to their booked location. One can see available vehicle using their mobile phones from anywhere through internet connection.
Vehicle Rental, Transportation, Web-based system, Online Rental
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