Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 19-28, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
M. Sumithra 1 , B. Buvaneswar 2 , Jessica Judith S, 3 , Dymphna Mary C 4 , Punitha R, 5 , Pavithraa S 6
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.020103
In today’s world, Gen Z finds it difficult to maintain attention during classes. Students tend to get distracted easily. With the flow of information all around them, a constant search for new activities is on the rise. To understand the needs of individual students the emotional status of the students are taken into account. Our education system uses Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm for feature extraction and emotion intensity recognition. The extracted features are used as input for the AI algorithm which creates the personalized lessons for each individual according to their needs. The lessons are categorized into three categories based on their understanding capability along with the personalized time-line. This innovation helps students to achieve greater heights by using personalized lessons according to their capacity. A tracking system is implemented to monitor the emotions and attention level of the students, thereby ensuring successful completion of academics. As teachers, continuous acquiring of knowledge is vital. This innovative AI system helps teachers stay updated in their respective field. To provide security for the students while they are in the campus, the AI system using surveillance camera detects suspicious activities and alerts the respective in-charge to take necessary actions. As a result, we provide a better education system in all aspects.
Artificial Intelligence, education system, emotion, security, surveillance, personalized, detection, attention, performance.
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