Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 15-18, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Sumithra.M 1 , Vettri Chezhian. P 2 , Raj Kumar. K 3 , Nithish Kumar. S 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCHCI.020102
This project aims to design a automated attendance system using face-recognition and MySQL database. We have presented our idea to implement an “Automated Attendance System Using Real Time Face recognition and MySQL Database”. The application includes face identification, which saves time as well as being purely software based it can be flagged as eco-friendly as it reduces the use of paper and also send a message to the student of his attendance record in the end of every day. This system also eliminates the chances of fake attendance because of the face being used as a biometric for authentication. This system avoids the concept of fake attendance where attendance plays an important role. The proposed system is designed in Python as well as SQL database. The algorithm used in the system compare the image captured encoded value with the value already available with us to recognize the face. The system has output in the form of MYSQL Database.
Eco-friendly, Automated time tracking system, No manual work done.
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