Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things

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Volume 5 , Issue 2 , PP: 77-87, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security

Sonia Ibrahim 1 * , Nada Alkenani 2 , Banan Alghamdi 3 , Amal Alfgeeh 4 , Salwa alghamdl 5 , Yusra Alzhrani 6 , Amani Almuntashiri 7 , Rawan Alghamdi 8 , Abeer Salawi 9 , Wejdan Ahmed Alghamdi 10 , Mohammed. I. Alghamdi 11

  • 1 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 2 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 3 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 4 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 5 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 6 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 7 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 8 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 9 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (AbeerSalawi87@gmail)
  • 10 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • 11 College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Al-Baha University - (
  • Doi:

    Received: September 17, 2021 Accepted: November 30

    Cyber security practices mainly involve the prevention of external threats to software, hardware, server data, and other assets which are connected to the internet. Organizations follow a lot of cyber security practices to protect their systems and databases from malicious cyber actors. Cybercriminals use different techniques like spear-phishing, phishing, password attack, denial of service, ransomware, etc. to cause harm to people, organizations, and governments and steal important information from them. We analyzed the use of deep learning algorithms to deal with cyber-attacks. Deep neural networks or deep learning consist of machine learning procedures to support the network to fix complex issues and learn from unmanaged data. In addition, we also analyzed some of the cyber security laws and practices implemented in the US and Saudi Arabia to work collaboratively against cyber threats. It is observed that both countries are doing well against cyberthreats, but they need to work even more to provide training and support to professionals in the public sector who handle sensitive data about cyber security.

    Keywords :

    Saudi Arabia, US, Cyber Security, Cyberthreats.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Ibrahim, Sonia. , Alkenani, Nada. , Alghamdi, Banan. , Alfgeeh, Amal. , alghamdl, Salwa. , Alzhrani, Yusra. , Almuntashiri, Amani. , Alghamdi, Rawan. , Salawi, Abeer. , Ahmed, Wejdan. , I., Mohammed.. Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 77-87. DOI:
    Ibrahim, S. Alkenani, N. Alghamdi, B. Alfgeeh, A. alghamdl, S. Alzhrani, Y. Almuntashiri, A. Alghamdi, R. Salawi, A. Ahmed, W. I., M. (2021). Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, (), 77-87. DOI:
    Ibrahim, Sonia. Alkenani, Nada. Alghamdi, Banan. Alfgeeh, Amal. alghamdl, Salwa. Alzhrani, Yusra. Almuntashiri, Amani. Alghamdi, Rawan. Salawi, Abeer. Ahmed, Wejdan. I., Mohammed.. Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , no. (2021): 77-87. DOI:
    Ibrahim, S. , Alkenani, N. , Alghamdi, B. , Alfgeeh, A. , alghamdl, S. , Alzhrani, Y. , Almuntashiri, A. , Alghamdi, R. , Salawi, A. , Ahmed, W. , I., M. (2021) . Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , () , 77-87 . DOI:
    Ibrahim S. , Alkenani N. , Alghamdi B. , Alfgeeh A. , alghamdl S. , Alzhrani Y. , Almuntashiri A. , Alghamdi R. , Salawi A. , Ahmed W. , I. M. [2021]. Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things. (): 77-87. DOI:
    Ibrahim, S. Alkenani, N. Alghamdi, B. Alfgeeh, A. alghamdl, S. Alzhrani, Y. Almuntashiri, A. Alghamdi, R. Salawi, A. Ahmed, W. I., M. "Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security," Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , pp. 77-87, 2021. DOI: