Volume 16 , Issue 1 , PP: 28-40, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Hima Bindu Gogineni 1 * , Hemanta Kumar Bhuyan 2 , E. Laxmi Lydia 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.160103
Pedestrian detection using object detection and deep learning has been found to be effective method for identifying pedestrians in video frames or images accurately. It is more commonly used in many real-time applications, such as security observing systems, autonomous driving systems, and robotics. The combination of deep learning techniques and object detection algorithms allows efficient and robust detection of pedestrians in several real-time scenarios. However, it is necessary to improve the detection efficacy for complex environments such as cases with worse visibility due to weather or daytime, crowd scenes, and rare pose samples. Continuous improvement and research in DL algorithms, dataset collection, and TRA models contribute to accelerating the robustness and acc of pedestrian detection systems. Therefore, this research models a novel marine predator algorithm with DL-based pedestrian detection and classification (MPADLB-PDC) method. The objective of the MPADLB-PDC system lies in the accurate recognition and identification of pedestrians. To achieve this, the MPADLB-PDC technique involves two major processes, namely object detection and classification. In the first stage, the MPADLB-PDC technique uses an improved YOLOv7 object detector for the recognition of the objects in the frame. Next, in the second stage, the ensemble classifier comprises three classifiers such as deep feed-forward neural networks (DFFNNs), extreme learning machine (ELM), and long short-term memory (LSTM). To improve the recognition performance of the ensemble classifier, the MPA is used to optimally select the parameters related to it. The simulation outcome of the MPADLB-PDC technique was authorized on the pedestrian database, and the outcome can be studied in terms of various aspects. The experimentation values validated the better outcome of the MPADLB-PDC approach compared to other approaches.
Computer vision , Deep learning , Pedestrian detection , Marine predator&rsquo , s algorithm , Ensemble learning
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