Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things

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Volume 14 , Issue 1 , PP: 196-208, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT

Mahendra Sahare 1 * , Priti Maheshwary 2 , Vinay Kumar Dwivedi 3

  • 1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal (MP), India - (
  • 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal (MP), India - (
  • 3 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, AKS University Satna (M.P), India - (
  • Doi:

    Received: February 19, 2024 Revised: April 28, 2024 Accepted: July 20, 2024

    In the recent era of communication technology, flying ad hoc networks are gaining popularity because of their flexibility and broad area of application to gather data from environmental sources with limited infrastructure. FANET nodes, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are heterogeneous devices, and coordination between the UAVs is an important part of communication with limited battery power sources. In ad hoc networks, devices have limited battery power, so proper battery utilization is critical to maintaining network connectivity. In order to establish a network without congestion, it is vital to have inter-UAV and IoT wireless communication for cooperation and collaboration among many UAVs. UAV connections may experience frequent disconnections. Another obstacle is the limited distance allowed between the stations. The routing algorithm selects only the nodes that are specifically requested by the source node based on its requirements and maintains the source node no longer needs the route until it. IoT devices have limited processing capability and memory. A single mobile device controls the IoT devices, or users can use the concept of automation to control the functioning of smart IoT devices. This research proposes a fuzzy-based congestion control scheme (MCPFB) to control the congestion between UAVs and IoT devices. UAVs are faster, and IoT devices can collect information from UAVs and forward it to other devices. The UAV’s can store limited and sufficient types of information, but during routing, only a single path is available, which causes congestion in the FANET-IoT network. The fuzzy based load prediction and balancing routing is able to handle the problem of congestion in FANET-IoT. In order to overcome the problem of congestion with improper energy utilisation, this paper presents fuzzy rule-based congestion control techniques for a flying ad hoc network. We focus on the efforts to reduce congestion in the FANET-IoT network. Routing is a critical issue in FANET-IoT and hence the focus of this research is on the performance improvement of routing in FANET-IoT. Packets dropping on the nodes show congestion occurrence in the network, and the possibility of lost connectivity with other nodes is high. Unlike the aforementioned works, the proposed MCPFB routing shows better performance compared to the conventional BARS scheme in FANET-IoT.

    Keywords :

    Congestion , Fuzzy , FANET , IoT , Routing , UAV


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    Cite This Article As :
    Sahare, Mahendra. , Maheshwary, Priti. , Kumar, Vinay. A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 196-208. DOI:
    Sahare, M. Maheshwary, P. Kumar, V. (2025). A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, (), 196-208. DOI:
    Sahare, Mahendra. Maheshwary, Priti. Kumar, Vinay. A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , no. (2025): 196-208. DOI:
    Sahare, M. , Maheshwary, P. , Kumar, V. (2025) . A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , () , 196-208 . DOI:
    Sahare M. , Maheshwary P. , Kumar V. [2025]. A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things. (): 196-208. DOI:
    Sahare, M. Maheshwary, P. Kumar, V. "A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT," Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , pp. 196-208, 2025. DOI: