Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/3230 2018 2018 Computer Aided Brain Tumor Diagnosis using Coati Optimization Algorithm with Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia Wajdi Wajdi Brain tumors (BT) are a difficult and dangerous medical condition, and the accurate and early analysis of these tumors is crucial for suitable treatment. Explainability in clinical image diagnosis role a vital play in the correct analysis and treatment of tumors that supports medical staff's optimum understanding of the image analysis performances rely upon deep methods. Artificial intelligence (AI), in certain deep neural networks (DNNs) has attained remarkable outcomes for clinical image analysis in many applications. However, the need for explainability of deep neural approaches has been assumed that major restriction before executing these approaches in medical practice. Explainable AI, or XAI, is a vital module in this context as it supports medical staff and patients in understanding the AI's decision-making model, enhancing trust and transparency. It leads to optimum patient care and performance but making sure that medical staff can make learned decisions depends on AI-driven insights. Therefore, this study develops a novel Computer-Aided Brain Tumor Diagnosis using Coati Optimization Algorithm with an Explainable Artificial Intelligence (CABTD-COAXAI) approach. The purpose of the CABTD-COAXAI technique is to exploit XAI and hyperparameter-tuned deep learning (DL) approaches for automated BT analysis. To accomplish this, the CABTD-COAXAI technique follows a Gaussian filtering (GF) based noise removal process. Besides, the CABTD-COAXAI technique utilizes the EfficientNetB7 methods for the feature extraction process. Additionally, the hyperparameter tuning of the EfficientNetB7 method is performed by the use of COA. Furthermore, the classification of the BT process can be performed by the usage of a convolutional autoencoder (CAE). Finally, the CABTD-COAXAI system combines the XAI method named LIME to effectively understand and explainability of the black-box model for automated BT diagnosis. The simulation result of the CABTD-COAXAI technique has been tested on a benchmark BT database. The extensive outcomes inferred that the CABTD-COAXAI method reaches superior performance over other models in terms of different measures 2025 2025 24 37 10.54216/FPA.170203 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/3230