Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis PAMDA 2836-4449 10.54216/PAMDA 2022 2022 The Computation of Particular Roots of Nonlinear Complex Equations of the Form: (an√is K + (x+10y) n√is)n = c Faculty of Education, Humanities and Applied Sciences (khawlan), and Faculty of Engineering, Sana'a University, Yemen Adel Adel Faculty of Sciences, Sana' University, Yemen Shaker AL -Assadi Solving polynomial equations involves finding their roots. In this respect, this idea dominates the minds of many mathematicians about how to find those roots. The Abel Ruffini theorem emphasizes that there is no general formula involving only the coefficients of a polynomial equation of degree five or higher that allows us to compute its solutions using radicals and its associate to the Galois Theory. The mathematical need for solving polynomial equations represents the motivation for the development of systems of numbers from Natural numbers to Complex numbers throughout the history of mathematics. Complex numbers play a central role in this context. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tell us that every nonconstant polynomial equation with complex coefficients has at least one complex root. While the Galois group associated with a polynomial captivates its symmetries and determines whether it is solvable by radicals. From a mathematical standpoint, it is customary to visualize polynomials in the form:P_n (x)=a_n x n+a_(n-1) x (n-1)+---+a_1 x 1+a_0, Where the set of coefficients {a_n, a_(n-1),---,a_0}ECand P_n (x)EC[x]. We have reconceptualized the polynomial generated by the formula (ax+y)^n=c in our previous work and computing radicals of more degree 5. In this article, we present a natural procedure formula that will lead us to find a solution for a class of polynomials nonlinear Complex numbers with degree 𝑛 associated with the equation:(ansquris K + (x+10y) nsquris)n = c as a particular class of Complex Polynomials. 2023 2023 49 62 10.54216/PAMDA.030104