International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science IJBES 2571-1075 10.54216/IJBES 2021 2021 Modeling Sustainable Design Practices for Service Complexes - Systematic Review BIMM Master student, Syrian Virtual University, Syria Batoul Batoul Lecturer, Al-Rasheed International Private University, Damascus, Syria Alaa J. Kadi In the realm of sustainable urban design, this peer-reviewed article presents a systematic review focusing on contemporary practices in mixed-use development. Emphasizing a holistic approach, the study examines renewable energy utilization, energy efficiency methodologies, sustainable materials, water conservation strategies, green space integration for ecological enhancement, and social interaction through design, waste management, and smart transportation systems. Methodologically, a framework incorporating bibliometric and content analyses was employed, reviewing scholarly literature from 2010 to 2023 using key search terms like "mixed use," "sustainable design," and "renewable energy." The findings highlight global trends including widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies, innovations in energy-efficient building methods, advances in sustainable materials, effective water resource management strategies, and the role of green spaces in urban biodiversity. The study underscores the importance of promoting social cohesion, enhancing waste management, and integrating intelligent transportation networks for sustainable urban living. It concludes on the imperative of integrated approaches, policy frameworks, technological innovations, and community engagement to achieve comprehensive sustainability in urban environments. This research contributes significantly to the discourse on sustainable urban development by addressing urban challenges and offering adaptable frameworks and practical solutions. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in architecture and urban planning, advocating for environmentally conscious, socially inclusive and economically viable development practices. 2024 2024 14 28 10.54216/IJBES.080202