Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/3086 2018 2018 e- GCloud: Next Wave of E-Government University of Fallujah, Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq Omer Omer Al-Ma’arif University College, Iraq Mohammed E. Seno University of Fallujah, Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq Osamah M. Abduljabbar This research delves into the developments, in cloud computing and their significance for e government. It introduces an approach to e government advancement known as "Electronic Governmental Cloud (e-GCloud) " aimed at addressing identified issues and meeting the requirements of cloud computing. The study will conduct a review of existing literature and online sources analyzing studies and articles on the evolving landscape of cloud computing to elucidate its role in e government applications. It aims to outline the deployment strategy for cloud computing in e government settings and propose a novel governmental framework called "e- GCloud” designed as an exclusive private cloud community for national governments use. Additionally, this research, evaluates factors influencing the integration of cloud computing into e government systems by drawing insights from senior government officials and IT personnel within governmental entities. The results suggest that e-GCloud outperforms in applications due, to its enhanced flexibility, resource availability and prompt responsiveness. 2025 2025 53 66 10.54216/FPA.170104 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/3086