Neutrosophic and Information Fusion NIF 2836-7863 10.54216/NIF 2023 2023 On The Analysis of Some Deep Learning Algorithms for Object Detection and Applications Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Albaath University, Syria Sandy Sandy The traditional methods of discovering objects no longer meet the requirements of the times as a result of their reliance on non-dynamic methods and as a result of their slow performance in light of the world's dependence on a huge amount of multimedia and social media. With the rapid development of deep learning providing more powerful tools capable of manipulating high-level and complex semantic features of objects. Several techniques have been developed to detect objects using deep learning algorithms. This research presents a comparative analysis of the most famous deep learning techniques for object detection, explaining their mechanisms, use cases and an experimental evaluation of their performance. 2024 2024 13 26 10.54216/NIF.030103