International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence IJAACI 2833-5600 10.54216/IJAACI 2022 2022 On The Computational Properties of 3-Cyclic and 4-Cyclic Refined Matrices and the Diagonalization Algorithm Tishreen University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Latakia, Syria admin admin Tishreen University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Latakia, Syria Mohammad Abobala This paper is concerned with studying the matrix computations of 3-cyclic refined neutrosophic matrices and 4-cyclic refined neutrosophic matrices with 3cyclic4-cyclic real entries, where we introduce a novel method to compute eigenvalues and vectors of these matrix classes. Also, we provide a novel algorithm for diagonalization these matrices and to determine whether an n-cyclic refined matrix is diagonalizable or not for n=3, 4. 2024 2024 37 45 10.54216/IJAACI.060204