Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/2849 2018 2018 Integrative Analysis of Diesel-Kerosene Blends on Engine Performance and Emissions Technical University of Cotopaxi, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Latacunga, Ecuador Cristian Cristian National Polytechnic School, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Quito, Ecuador Francisco J. Montalvo Montalvo-Marquez National Polytechnic School, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Quito, Ecuador Ángel Portilla Combines diesel fuel with cheese to enhance engine efficiency and mitigate detrimental pollutants. Analyzed using a meticulous approach derived from the ISO 8178 standard, combinations containing different ratios of cheese are investigated. The aim of the research is to conduct a multivariate analysis that provides insights into the rheology of diesel and kerosene mixes, thereby enhancing our understanding of the fuel's properties and performance. The researchers conducted experimental trials utilizing diesel blends with varying proportions of cheese, including 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%. A descriptive and multivariate analysis was conducted to measure parameters such as opacity, NOx, CO, HC emissions, and fuel efficiency under different load circumstances. The study identified key elements that determine gasoline characteristics and emissions, including density, viscosity, calorific value, and sulfur content. It emphasized that the addition of cheese had a significant impact on these crucial factors. Two separate categories were created based on the composition of fuel. Blends containing a lower amount of cheesesine (up to 20%) formed a cluster that exhibited an ideal equilibrium in terms of both performance and emissions. The groupings of factors are interconnected, with substantial correlations shown between the physical qualities of the fuel and emissions. This highlights the direct impact of the fuel composition on the engine's environmental performance. 2024 2024 264 274 10.54216/FPA.160119 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/2849