Journal of Cosmology, Filaments and Astrobiology JCFA 2834-0221 10.54216/JCFA 2022 2022 Short Communication Communication with Dr Jean de Climont Physics advisor for Princeton Biotechnology Corp., Barrington, NJ 08007, USA. Robert N. Boyd   Below is a summary of  communication with Dr Jean de Climont a number of weeks ago, as he wrote as follows: “Einstein began his famous 1905 paper by stating that a moving magnet has an electric field around it, in addition to its magnetic field. This is in line with the interpretation of the Faraday's experiment by Maxwell in the Maxwell-Faraday equation. But, this electric field should deviate a cathode ray in addition to the deviation resulting from the magnetic field of a moving magnet. Such an additional deviation has never been observed.”   2023 2023 ttps:// 10.54216/JCFA.020202