Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction JCHCI 2771-1463 2771-1471 10.54216/JCHCI 2021 2021 Smart Wheelchair-An Effective Transport for Handicapped and Aged Citizens Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, 641114,India R. Venkatesan Panimalar Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, 600123, India Gokul Santhosh. Y. Panimalar Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, 600123, India Sathya Preiya. V. St.Peter’s University, Chennai,600054, India V.D.Ashok Kumar A wheelchair is a chair fitted with wheels. A survey says that around 132 million people use wheelchair around the world. But majority of them are dependent on others for their movements, especially people with some disorders. This dependent nature had hindered them from succeeding. To overcome this problem, they can use smart wheelchair, which is auto movable based on head tilt movements. It collects information from the patient through in built sensors and enhances the seating position. It is also designed with obstacle and fall detection system which reduces the chance of collision during their journey. This makes a physically challenged or dependent person as physically independent person. This wheelchair can also be used by aged people who lack motor skills. In this paper, we can review the art of smart wheelchair and the features of it. 2022 2022 08 19 10.54216/JCHCI.040201