Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis PAMDA 2836-4449 10.54216/PAMDA 2022 2022 Application of Integral Operator Generated by Touchard Polynomials to Certain Subclasses of Harmonic Functions Department of Mathematical and Physical Science University of Nizwa, Oman Khalifa AlShaqsi Let SH denote the class of functions f = h + g which are harmonic univalent and sense-preserving in the unite disk U = {z : |z| < 1} where h(z) = z +P∞ k=2 akzk, g(z) =∞Pk=1 bkzk (|b1| < 1). In this paper we establish connections between various subclasses of harmonic univalent functions by applying certain integral operator involving the Touchard Polynomials. 2023 2023 23 30 10.54216/PAMDA.010102