Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Metaheuristics JAIM 2833-5597 10.54216/JAIM 2022 2022 Watermarking Models and Artificial Intelligence Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Delta University for Science& Technology, International Coastal Road, Gamasah City, Mansoura, Dakhliya, Egypt, B. M. El El-den Faculty of Artifcial Intelligence, Delta University for Science and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt Marwa M. Eid Machine learning and deep learning are good bets for solving various intelligence-related problems. While it has practical applications in watermarking, it performs less well on more standard tasks like prediction, classification, and regression. This article offers the results of a thorough investigation into watermarking using modern tools like AI, ML, and DL. Watermarking's origins, some historical context, and the most fascinating and practical applications are also covered briefly. 2022 2022 24 30 10.54216/JAIM.010203