International Journal of Wireless and Ad Hoc Communication IJWAC 2692-4056 10.54216/IJWAC 2019 2019 Photovoltaic Charging Station Site Selection using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Framework with a Novel Criterion Identification American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE Abedallah Z. Abualkishik American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE Rasha Almajed Charging points on islands are becoming highly essential due to growing environmental concerns and an increase in the number of electric ships that need to be recharged. Site choice is the first step, but there is not enough research on island photovoltaic charging station site selection (IPVCS). To select the best IPVCS site, a multi-criteria decision-making framework (MCDM) is proposed. As a result of this structure, a new set of criteria for evaluating ships is formed, and current criteria are used to suggest two new ones: "Likelihood of adverse weather" and "Charging distance of the ship." Simultaneously time, the correlation among criteria is shaky at best. Therefore, the weight of the criteria is determined first. Then the rank of the alternatives is computed by the simultaneous evaluation of criteria and alternatives (SECA). Multi-criteria techniques like SECA may be used to objectively and accurately determine the weights of criteria. The best alternative is PVC3 followed by PVC1 then PVC2 then PVC4. 2022 2022 72 84 10.54216/IJWAC.040203